
¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español! Welcome to the Ward World Language blog! This blog serves as a source of information and news about la señora Marta 's Spanish class at James Ward School. Please check back often regarding class materials, upcoming events, adult classes, field trip information, cool links and many more! Les esperamos!

domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011


We are excited to announce our next field trip for our third, fourth and fifth grade classes to the Old Town School to see PEACE TALES AROUND THE WORLD.
We will embark in a multicultural journey around the globe in search of world peace. Travel to Africa, the Middle East, India, China, Mexico and America and stories, dances and traditions come alive! This program is loaded with audience participation and meets 18 of the 30 Illinois State Goals for Learning and 141 Benchmarks.For more info http://www.oldtownschool.org/fieldtrips/2011/4/4_peace.html

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